Thursday, May 21, 2020

My Experiences That Shape The Way I Am Today - 1048 Words

Throughout my life I’ve had many experiences that shape the way I am today. Everything I’ve experienced and the people I grew up around and called my friends have influenced me in many ways. For example, what sports I liked, the music I listened to, what movies and shows I liked and basically everything else that made me the person I am today. Even before I was born twenty-five years before my birth my parents were young children growing up in poverty in Jalisco, Mexico. My father was ten years old and my mother was seven years old. With little to no money my parents did whatever they could to help their family in any way they could. For example, my dad was often sent by his mother to sell cheese on the streets and on the bus. However, my father at the end of the day would usually come home with all the cheese he took with money in his pocke. My grandma would always question herself how he would get money and come home with the same amount of cheese. After my grandma no ticed that this occasionally happened she finally asked him where he was getting all this money without selling a slice of cheese. He replied with â€Å"Mom nobody buys the cheese, but drunk men pay me to yell a â€Å"Grito.† A Grito is a Mexican shout similar to an American Yeehaw. And, we Mexicans do this as an expression of joy typically done when Ranchera music starts playing. I don’t know what my mother listened to at this age, but I know my dad loved listening to Rancheras, that’s how he learned to yell aShow MoreRelatedSports : Sports And Basketball Essay1723 Words   |  7 PagesHave you ever just stopped and thought, how did I get here? Or what shaped me to be the person that I am today? For everyone it is going to be a little bit different. If it wasn t for that one friend who helped keep you out of trouble, or parents guiding you. 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