Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Your Work Adds Value †Start Pricing It That Way

Your Work Adds Value – Start Pricing It That Way When I began to inquire about a cleaning service – you know, someone to clean my house so I could have two hours of my life back – I was floored with the going rate. The going rate for cleaning toilets (in my area) is $80 per hour. You want clean laundry? Much more. This made me reflect on how experts not only price their services, but whether they believe they offer something of value. This isnt to say cleaning for a living doesnt deserve to be paid. It sure does. But writing for a living is worth at least that, dont you think? If you search online for the going rate of freelance writers, youll be disappointed. Those rates are false. If you accept that $30 an hour for a writing project is fair, youd be better off cleaning toilets for a living. How do you counteract the low fees as a professional writer? Quality clients First, realize you should only accept the clients who will agree to your rates. Clients have to have a substantial marketing budget. Theres a reason why cleaning services are typically used Charge per project Second, drop the hourly rate. When your plumber is working on a task, are you watching the clock and seeing $100 fly out the window every hour? Dont do that to clients. Give them a set project fee, which corporate clients prefer. Dont cheapen your skill Appreciate your value Third, develop confidence in your rates. Dont leave room for negotiation Say no Finally, say no more often. The more work you accept at insulting rates, thats additional work you could lose at better rates. Weed through the undesirable, cheap paying clients. Set yourself up as an expert. Produce quality work and enhance your portfolio. The more quality clients you choose to work with, the more youll believe youre worth every penny. Realize that you will always be surrounded

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