Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sex Education The Problem With Sexual Education

There are a lot of issues when it comes to Sex Education in our education system. I thought that I was one of few that thought there was actually an issue until we had a discussion post about it earlier in the semester. Through that assignment I learned that it is definitely more controversial than I could have ever imagined, and I also learned that more people think that there is a problem than just me. After that discussion post I felt really passionately about this topic and what we are doing wrong to teach such a delicate subject to our children. I thought I was going to have trouble finding really good research and articles about the problems in sex education but I was yet again very wrong. If you think there is not a problem with sex†¦show more content†¦Most of the sex education during the nineteenth and early twentieth century were based on religious and moral values. As we learned in class, teachers were supposed to have the best morals that were around, so it makes sense that talking about sex during this time was not an accepted thing to talk about or much less teach young students about. But in the early 1900s people started seriously considering what students needed to be taught in regards to sex (History of Sex Ed†¦). In the 40s and 50s are when things really started to take off. STDs were spreading substantially and so finally a bit of sex education was taught in the classroom. There were issues with this however because there was not an agreed method of teaching Sex Ed across the nation or even across the states (History of Sex Ed†¦). After contraceptives were made available, and after many debates about material and what we should be teaching kids about sex, there finally was some stability when it came to Sex Ed in the 1980s when the surgeon general made it mandatory for all public schools to teach Sex Ed (History of Sex Ed†¦). However, there were really no clear rules on how it would be taught, which is why we have suc h a big problem with it today. So why is this still an issue? Shouldn’t we have this figured out by now? There are many reasons that it is a contemporary issue in society today. The first reason is that in many southern states and small towns, the schools only teach abstinence to theirShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Teen Sexual Activity On The United States986 Words   |  4 Pages Introduction Most of us are familiar with the alarming statistics about teen sexual activity in the United States. Among high school students, 54 percent (including 61% of boys and 48% of girls) say they have had sexual intercourse. According to a 1992 Center for disease Control Study. The # of 9th Graders who say they ve had sex is 40%. In the past two decades, there has been an explosion in the # of sexually transmitted diseases. 12 million people areRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught? High School?997 Words   |  4 PagesTeenagers and sex are two words that are often heard together, whether we like it or not, teenagers are having sex. Some schools don’t teach sexual education and because of that students are suffering. There’s no way to make teenagers not have sex but there is away to teach them about having safe sex, that is why I believe that we need to require sexual education be taught in high school. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, â€Å"Only 22 states require public schools to teach sex educationRead MoreThe Lack Of Insufficient Sex Education For Teenagers1687 Words   |  7 PagesIn society, the lack of insufficient sex education for teenagers is a major problem. This ongoing issue has led to the development of a bigger problem such as teen pregnancy, sexual transmitted infection, and emotional problems adolescence have to face when engaging in sexual activity at a young age. According to the Understanding Human Sexuality textbook (2010) sexuality education can occur in many settings such as at home or school, and in personal relationships or from information found on theRead MoreSexual Education And Sex Education1358 Words   |  6 PagesDo Not Have Sex, You Will Get Pregnant Die (Mean Girls) What if a rapist was coming at someone? Do kids know what to do besides lie on the ground and cry? What if a teenager had an unplanned pregnancy? Do they know their options about abortion or adoption or keeping the baby? Will young adults know the results of their choices? Sexual education teaches all of the following, and kids in the curriculum are more likely to defend themselves in a plot when they were approached by a stranger (â€Å"TeachingRead MoreThe Significance Of Sex Education982 Words   |  4 PagesOctober 2017 The Significance of Sex Education As teenagers start to grow up, they face with many difficult decisions about relationship and sexual behavior in their lives. It can impact their lives, health and behavior. To make sure that your children follow the right path to live a healthy life, sex education can prepare them to make good decisions. If you are not sexually active, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give up your chance to learn about it. Sex education shouldn’t be limited to teenagersRead MoreThe Effects Of Sexual Education On Public Schools1702 Words   |  7 PagesI. Abstract Sexual education being enforced in public schools is important and it should be taught in all schools. Young adults are learning that it is important to wait until marriage to have sex. Sexual education taught in public schools does raise a couple of eyebrows because some parents think that young adults should not learn about sex at their age. Sexual education is very important for young adults to either use abstinence or condoms. Sexual education in schools are the proper classes forRead MoreSafe Sex Vs. No Sex1504 Words   |  7 PagesSafe Sex vs. No Sex. What’s Realistic? A Case for Comprehensive Sex Education Teenagers have been having sex since the beginning of time. Instead of telling them â€Å"just don’t† shouldn’t we educate our teens so that they can be safe? The problem with traditional Abstince- Only-Until-Marriage is that instead of educating they use fear tactics to unsuccessfully keep children ignorant. This causes children to turn to other outlets like porn and other children their age, it’s like a bad game of telephoneRead MoreIn The Modern World And With All The Means Of Technology1446 Words   |  6 Pagesperson who concerned about humanity will notice that the number of Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) and sexual harassment cases shows an upward trend. This shows a clear view that we are facing an issues about sexual behaviour and health. However, this problem can be solved at least by reducing the number of cases and avoiding from it become worse in future. Sex education in schools is one of the method that can be used to solve the problem oc curred and help to reduce the number of pregnancy among youthRead MoreSociety Divided By Sexual Education Program Essay1698 Words   |  7 Pagesteenagers became pregnant, leading to high rates of school dropouts and increasing poverty in certain areas of the country. In her article â€Å"Society Divided by Sexual Education Program,† journalist Rosalia Simmons exposes the different perspectives the Panamanian society has regarding the law 61, which consists of the implementation of a sexual education subject in the curriculum of all the schools in Panama, whose main target is students from age 5 to 18 (Simmons). Thousands of people protested all throughoutRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?862 Words   |  4 Pageswrite about is Sex Education in the classroom. Almost all student in the USA receive some type of sex education between the grades 7th and 12th. Sometime even as early as 4th grade. Many states now have laws that do not allow the parents to opt out of the class, regardless of how they feel about their child being taught, these things (Contemporary Education Issues | K12 Academics, 2015). While some states leave it up to the individual district to set the rules for sex education in the district

Monday, December 23, 2019

Open Polytechnic Of New Zealand Trimester 1 Essay

Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Trimester 1, 2015 71340 Strategic Management Assignment III TOPIC Part 1: Executive Summary Part 2: Company background, current competitive position desired future state Part 3: Environment and industry analysis Part 4: SWOT Analysis Part 5: Identification of strategic options Part 6: Evaluation of strategic options Part 7: Implementation of strategy Part 8: Nature of strategic change and ways of leading it Part 9: Conclusion Submitted On: 23 June, 2015 Submitted To: Indu Peiris Q1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY New Zealand entertains a wide variety of early childhood education and care services. The choices are: kindergartens, home-based care groups, play centers, Te Kohanga Reo, playgroups, pacific island early childhood groups. Best start is the largest private organization that provides quality early childhood care and education nationwide. This report is designed to critically evaluate the management strategies of the organization over the years, to highlight its current competitive position and desired future state. The first part of the report will historicize the beginning and gradual success of the organization that makes it one of the most renowned ECE service providers in New Zealand. Further, the report will include environment and industry analysis by using PESTLE and Porter’s five forces framework. PESTLE analysis will through some light on the macro environment analysis which includes detailed evaluation of

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Character of Frair Lawrece in Romeo and Juliet Free Essays

Friar Laurence is presented as a holy man who is trusted and respected by the other characters. He is an important character in the drama, ’Romeo and Juliet,’ by ‘William Shakespeare. ’ The Friar’s role as the friend and advisor to Romeo and Juliet highlights the conflict between parents and their children within the play. We will write a custom essay sample on Character of Frair Lawrece in Romeo and Juliet or any similar topic only for you Order Now Friar Lawrence does not immediately approve of Romeo’s plan to marry Juliet, and asks him â€Å"Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear,/ So soon forsaken? Romeo’s arguments in favor of his current love are hardly very creditable: â€Å"Her I love now/ Does grace for grace, and love for love allow/ The other did not. † This is dangerously close to saying that Juliet’s easy enough to make it worthwhile. Friar Lawrence doesn’t agree to help them because he is convinced by Romeo’s sincerity, but for a specific reason (â€Å"in one respect†, as he says), namely that â€Å"This alliance may so happy prove/ To turn your households’ rancor to pure love. † As Romeo is isolated from his friends and family, The Friar acts as a father figure to Romeo. He is one person who Romeo trusts and this is relevant as he is the first person Romeo goes to talk about his love for Juliet, ‘my heart’s dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet. ’ The Friar is a religious idealist, a philosopher who understands the big picture while other characters in the play are too involved in their interrelationships to share his perspective. He is a holy man, anxious to help the lovers in order to reconcile the Montagues and Capulets and bring peace to Verona, ‘for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households’ rancor to pure love,’ showing us how his actions were well planned off. Friar Lawrence is the mastermind of the plot. He first creates the plot by agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet, he does this because he thinks the marriage will bring peace to the families, ’turn your households rancor into pure love,’ this brings out his intelligence. His wise character is brought out when he says, ‘wisely and slow they stumble that run fastly,’ foreshadowing to us that something unexpected is going to occur. Act four Scene 3 is driven by the conflict between the older and younger generations. The Friar chastises Romeo and reminds him of his good fortune that the Prince has commuted his sentence from death to a â€Å"gentler judgment† of exile. Although Romeo heretofore sought the wise counsel of Friar Laurence, a holy man of spiritual learning, now that Romeo’s situation has grown critical, the Friar’s advice is not as well received. The Friar’s contemplative work is far removed from the blind passion and emotional torment that Romeo is experiencing. Romeo, in his agitated state, is unable to accept the calm, philosophical reasoning the Friar offers. The Friar’s willingness to help Juliet reflects his concern for his own role in the unfolding events. He has performed an illicit marriage and must now strive to prevent being implicated in the bigamous marriage between Juliet and Paris. The Friar has exposed himself to substantial personal liability, but he faces many opportunities to absolve himself of any involvement. The Friar is a peace-loving yet powerless character whose efforts to promote good are as subject to the whims of fate as anyone else’s in the play. The Friar uses his knowledge of flowers and herbs to conceive Juliet’s remedial concoction. In Act II, Scene 3, the Friar describes the dual qualities of the flower that is capable of healing yet has the power to act as a poison. The drug the Friar offers Juliet is compounded of opposites and will give Juliet the appearance of death so that she can regain her life and her love. The Friar’s plan serves as the mechanism of hope for Juliet, but due to the influence of fate, becomes the vehicle of the tragedy itself. I feel that Friar Lawrence plays an important role in this drama as he helps the drama to develop and makes it interesting. He is the one who starts the plot, furthers it and then finally ends it. How to cite Character of Frair Lawrece in Romeo and Juliet, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Critical Lens free essay sample

Michelle Veliz Period 7 4/27/12 Critical Lens Essay A famous author named Richard Wright once said, â€Å"All literature is a protest†. In simpler terms, books have been written to raise awareness about problems in order for humans to find solutions for them. This quote is true because in most works of literature the author makes their characters go through difficult obstacles to overcome that not everyday people go through. The book Night was written to protest against anti-Semitism, which means hatred towards Jews. This book took place during the Holocaust where times were hard and unforgettable for the Jews. The main character Elie takes the reader on a grieving journey where he describes his accounts from the Holocaust where he was mistreated and was seen as an outsider. On the other hand, the book Animal Farm by George Orwell was written to alert the world about totalitarian leaders and perplexed people. Totalitarian leaders had control over society, which gave them the right to mistreat their people and abuse their power. Macbeth becomes a tyrannical ruler and is forced to commit more murders in order to protect himself from suspicion. In literature, evil seems like a good choice and is slightly successful but in the end it is proven to be less than good, possibly even harmful. The idea that evil often triumphs but never conquers in literature is true. This is shown in Golding’s Lord of the Flies and Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph is chosen the leader and sets the goal of getting rescued using a signal fire to attract ships. Jack is the leader of the hunters and wishes to use authoritarian rule over democratic rule. Jack is ruled over by evil through his selfishness in wanting to hunt and forget about the fire. He hides behind a mask and quickly moves towards complete savagery. He never gets that far since the boys are rescued by a naval officer. In Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth is persuaded by his wife, Lady Macbeth, to murder the king of Scotland so he will take the throne. Lady Macbeth makes Macbeth feel unmanly and cowardly so he will be tempted to follow through with the plan. The evil that has won over Macbeth allows him to be more comfortable with having people murdered. He finds safety and security within the apparitions, but is surprised when he learns that he can be killed and ends up getting murdered. Jack in Golding’s Lord of the Flies and Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth are two characters that chose to be evil but are never dominated by it. The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding can be applied to the idea that in any given situation evil will prove that it is powerful and can be successful even though in the end it will actually be weaker than it seems to be. This is true as it can be seen in the decisions that Ralph and Jack and his hunters make. The first literary element which establishes the force of evil is the rising action. At first the group of boys set a fire that gets out of control and ends up burning a quarter-square mile of the forest. Then later in the novel Jack and his hunters take the boys who are supposed to be tending the fire on a hunting trip and while they are gone the fire goes out. The smoke from that fire could have decided the boys’ fate on the island especially if a ship went by while the fire was out. The boys also haven’t been following the rules when it comes to drinking water and using the bathroom. Some of the things that aren’t being done are refilling the coconuts after they are emptied and using the appropriate place as a lavatory. The information provided by the rising action shows that evil seems like a good choice and can be successful even when reality it isn’t. You can see this in how the boys continue to pile wood on the fire so that they can stay warm and feel safe. They thought that doing this was a good idea even though they got carried away and caused destruction to the environment. This is also shown in how the boys begin to follow the rules less and less the longer they remain on the island with no adults. A second literary element which proves that evil is triumphing is the climax. The climax occurs when a majority of the boys are out hunting and they target a sow with piglets and kill the sow in a savage way. During the killing one of the boys does something sexually inappropriate to the sow. the death of the sow in a savage-like way reveals that the boys are losing their civility on the island. The climax shows that evil has proven that it can be successful since it is starting to turn the boys to savagery and caused them to kill the sow the way they did. Most importantly the literary element which reveals that evil may triumph but never conquer is the resolution. The resolution in Lord of the Flies occurs when Jack and his tribe set the island on fire in an attempt to smoke out Ralph and kill him while they are hunting. Up to this point Ralph has remained fairly civilized and hasn’t acted too much like a savage. He follows the rules and has focused on having the fire to give a signal so they can be rescued. He tried his best to keep the boys organized and civilized even when all they did was act like savages nd not care about the rules or getting rescued. Jack and his tribe have become so uncivilized that they will do anything in their power to get rid of Ralph so Jack could be the only leader. The fire built from attempting to smoke out Ralph is so large that it attracted a naval ship that was passing by. Jack’s tribe chased Ralph all of the way out to the beach where they ran into a naval officer there to take them ho me. The resolution shows that evil will never conquer in how the naval officer arrives and stops the chase. If the boys didn’t set the island on fire or if the ship didn’t see the smoke, the tribe could have possibly caught Ralph and killed him. If this were to have happened evil would have taken complete control over Jack and his hunters meaning evil would have conquered. At this point the boys would be entirely uncivilized and as savage-like as possible. Also if the naval officer didn’t appear to rescue the boys the critical lens would prove to be false, but since he did rescue them the lens is true. With this being said, the actions of Ralph, Jack and his hunters prove that evil can appear to be successful even though in the end it is less than good and doesn’t come out on top. William Shakespeare’s novel Macbeth also supports the theory that evil may seem like a good choice and be beneficial even when, in the end, it is inferior to the forces of good. This theory is true and can be prove by the characters, Macbeth and Macduff, in this Shakespearian piece of literature. The first literary element that brings about the forces of evil in this work is the rising action. In this point of the book, the wife of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, guilts Macbeth, the main character and tragic hero, into murdering the original king, King Duncan, so he can seize the throne for himself. In order to accomplish this she asks Macbeth if he is a man and reminds him that he promised that he would follow through with it. This shows that evil is established since Macbeth has committed himself to killing Duncan, revealing that he believes evil could be the right choice to help make him king. Another literary element that proves evil is triumphing is the climax of the novel. In the climax, Macbeth finally decides to kill Duncan. To help make the deed easier, Lady Macbeth gets the guards drunk, and Macbeth uses their daggers to commit the crime. Then he plants the weapons back on the guards so that it appears as if the guards murdered Duncan themselves. Macbeth was willing to act evil because he believed that doing so would be beneficial to him, proving that evil is triumphing. Macbeth was convinced to be evil, so he decided to act evil. The literary element that reveals evil may triumph but will never conquer is the resolution given by Shakespeare. During the resolution, Macbeth learns something that he thought he was completely safe from. He was told by one of the witches’ apparitions that he couldn’t be killed by one born of woman. At this point Macduff and his rallied troops meet at Birnam woods and carry branches to Dunsinane to show that the forest is moving and cause Macbeth to be paranoid. As Macbeth and Macduff duel it out, Macduff reveals to Macbeth that he was untimely ripped from his mother’s womb. These means that he was born via Caesarian section and that he can, in fact, kill Macbeth. Then Macduff takes Macbeth’s life and beheads him to prove to Malcolm that the tyrant has been slayed. This outcome shows that evil can never conquer in how the good in Macduff is able to overpower the evil in Macbeth. Evil is actually proven to be a bad choice rather than a good choice since the character that represented evil is murdered. The two characters, Macbeth and Macduff, show that evil is not a good choice even though it may seem so and that in the end good always comes out on top. In literature, evil seems like a good choice and is slightly successful but in the end it is proven to always be less than good. This theory is true as the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Macbeth by William Shakespeare prove it to be. The characters and events that best demonstrate the theory that in literature, evil often triumphs but never conquers, are Ralph and Jack from Lord of the Flies, Macbeth and Macduff from Macbeth, the rising action, climax, and resolution of both stories. The longer Jack and his hunters remain on the island the more uncivilized and savage they become. The savage-like and uncivilized actions show evil may triumph and the rescue of the boys and Ralph show that evil will never come out on top. Macbeth decides to use evil to benefit himself and becomes more comfortable with killing and having people killed when in the end he himself ends up being murdered by good. The idea presented by the critical lens can actually be connected to the real world. For example, in the real world, people revolt in order to cause change to their government so that they can benefit from certain things also. During some of the revolts people choose to be evil and act using violence. It seems like it would be a good idea but then proves that it may have not been such a good idea when they are arrested and put in jail. Some of the Occupy Albany protesters refused to follow the revised laws enforced by the state and many of them were booked and put in jail for their actions. This all occurred during one night and even though they were doing it to continue to try and prove a point good still came out on top when many were arrested.