Friday, November 29, 2019

Application of psychological theories at the Queens Hospital The WritePass Journal

Application of psychological theories at the Queens Hospital Abstract Application of psychological theories at the Queens Hospital , p. 30). Theory provides the medical personnel with the framework and goals for assessment, diagnosis and intervention. For instance the nurses working at the hospital focused on the aspects of care that are holistic in nature for more effective judgment of different patient situations and conditions. The goals of care helped the nurses by providing a checklist by which the services that they provide are measured against. In deed Walker (2007, p. 65) says that theory is an effective tool that renders practice more efficient through comparing the outcomes against the set goals and then providing mechanisms for rectifying problems as soon as they are detected. Application of psychological theories at the hospital As a health care assistant I was many times faced with the challenge of choosing the appropriate theory or set of theories to apply in any given circumstances. This was not an easy decision because I realised that selection of only one theory in a certain circumstance would have placed restrictions on practice and probably led to inefficiencies. It is for this reason that I relied heavily on theory adoption where I took a theory and then altered it to suit the situation where I was applying it and in other cases I had to use it alongside another one. I learned that most of the patients were going through intense stress as a result of their illnesses. Some of the patients adjusted well to their new conditions whereas others developed some form of psychological disorders secondary to their physical diseases especially for those that were unable to do basic things like going to the toilet and bathing. In addition to this, some patients also showed physical symptoms for which there is no significant medical explanations and most of them were as a result of unrecognised psychological problems. I was able to learn from the nurses and other hospital staff as I realised that they were applying psychological theories in dealing with the stressed patients. They used the biopsychosocial model to explain to me the reasons why the patients were stressed. This was a very resourceful tool in the assessment of psychological stress among the patients in the hospital. The model included both environmental parameters and personal processes of perception and being able to cope with the different stress factors at the hospital. Greenberg (2007, p. 30) claims that the effects of stress have a positive correlation to coping. Coping in this case as defined by the Lazarus theory is constantly changing both cognitive and behavioural efforts to manage the existent taxing demands of the internal or external environment (Pickren Rutherford, 2010, p. 52). The doctors and nurses encouraged dialogue with the patients because they considered it an important aspect in the management of psychological and psychiatric elements of physical ill health. Greenberg (2009, p. 67) suggests that this relationship is beneficial to both the medical team and the patients. It is very important for patients particularly for those with serious physical and psychological problems to have a more personal relationship with the nurses and doctors in order to create and sustain a therapeutic relationship for better health care delivery (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2011, p. 94). This will be helpful for the health care personnel to identify the patients that need psychological treatment in good time and offer immediate attention to help them cope with the mental problems. The doctor patient relationship is explained by two other approaches which are the psychoanalytical and the task oriented approaches (Bekerian Levey 2012, p. 31). All the approaches emphasise the idea of ensuring that the patient is the centre of all actions in order to engage them as much as possible in the treatment process. Greenberg (2007, p. 32) says that these approaches demand that for an effective treatment to be achieved there has to be an efficient partnership and information sharing between the patients and the doctors. Nevid (2012, p. 89) says that the information has to flow both ways in order to improve the clinical outcomes through cognitive (knowledge), behavioural (adherence to advice) and affective (satisfaction). Indeed the application of psychological theories at the hospital was beyond what I had imagined it will be at first. I observed that the patients were mostly able to recall more information when they were satisfied. The non cooperative patients seemed to remember less information and the hospital staff in most cases had to offer them specialised care. Good communication was also maintained among the clinicians to ensure that the information flowing to the patients was consistent in order to eliminate any possibility of conflicting information reaching the patients. This was important be cause any conflicting information would have left the patients wondering who to believe and this would have even made things worse for them. Conclusion Application of psychological theories in medical settings is an important aspect of the treatment process because the patients need to be attended to psychology as well. As indicated in the paper some patients find it difficult to cope with their new conditions in the hospital and go to the extent of developing mental disorders as a result. This is the reason why the hospital made use of psychological theories in understanding their behaviour and condition in order to be able to attend to them efficiently. This is a big lesson that I learned from my placement at the Queens Hospital and I will apply it once I start working in the hospital. I am now aware of the fact that ignoring the psychological needs of the patients places them at an increased risk of developing psychological disorders and as such will always apply psychological theories in communicating with them in order to know how they feel and the best possible ways of attending to them. References Bekerian, D. A., Levey, A. B. (2012). Applied psychology: Putting theory into practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Greenberg, T. M. C. (2007). The psychological impact of acute and chronic illness: A practical guide for primary care physicians. New York: Springer. Greenberg, T. M. C. (2009). Psychodynamic perspectives on aging and illness. Dordrech: Springer. Hefferon, K., Boniwell, I. (2011). Positive psychology: Theory, research and applications. Maidenhead, Berkshire, England: Open University Press. Irwin, R. S., Rippe, J. M. (2008). Irwin and Rippes intensive care medicine. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Marini, I., Glover-Graf, N. M., Millington, M. J. (2012). Psychosocial aspects of disability: Insider perspectives and counseling strategies. New York: Springer Pub. Nevid, J. S. (2009). Psychology: Concepts and applications. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Nevid, J. S. (2012). Essentials of psychology: Concepts and applications. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Ninivaggi, F. J. (2010). Envy theory: Perspectives on the psychology of envy. Lanham: Rowman Littlefield Publishers. Patterson, J. A., Lipschitz, I. N. (2008). Psychological counseling research focus. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Picano, E. (2009). Stress echocardiography: [CD-ROM included]. Berlin: Springer. Pickren, W. E., Rutherford, A. (2010). A history of modern psychology in context. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley. Robins, R. W. (2007). Handbook of research methods in personality psychology. New York: Guilford. Segal, D. L., Hersen, M. (2010). Diagnostic interviewing. New York: Springer. Sitzman, K., Eichelberger, L. W. (2011). Understanding the work of nurse theorists: A creative beginning. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Walker, J. (2007). Psychology for nurses and the caring professions. Maidenhead, Berkshire: Open University Press

Monday, November 25, 2019

Human Resource Roles and Responsibilities

Human Resource Roles and Responsibilities Free Online Research Papers Human Resources Management (HRM) is a continually changing process, focusing on an organization’s staffing needs, how to fill those needs, and how to adjust to the circumstances and specifications required. Staffing, training, and managing employees while maintaining performance standards and capabilities requires a knowledgeable and flexible human resources department (HRD). Factors pertaining to globalization, technology, diversity, e-business, and ethics (University of Phoenix, 2010, Syllabus) constantly pull organizations in different directions. This paper briefly describes the role of HRM and its response to trends, and existing factors faced in an ever-changing society. Changing Roles of HR Management HRM’s purpose is to manage what is considered to be an organization’s most valued asset; its employees. Hiring people, training them to fulfill specific needs, making good use of employee’s talents, tending to the employee’s needs, and rewarding their services accordingly are tasks HRM must fulfill. When external factors and environmental changes occur, HRM’s decisions must adjust accordingly, preparing not only for the present, but also for the future. Globalization For many years, numerous borders have prevented companies and countries from doing business together. However, many of those borders have vanished, permitting organizations to do business openly and without limitations. By joining forces, and relying on the core competencies of numerous organizations and the people involved, companies can attain higher levels of efficiency and profitability. Although advances in technology, and the desire to cut costs while remaining competitive and profitable exist, organizations must consider how these changes affect HRM and what the long term effects are based on the options available. One aspect of globalization with respect to HRM is outsourcing. Outsourcing refers to the practice of allowing one company to provide services for another (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhert, Wright, 2007). Organizations see outsourcing as â€Å"a chance to turn around a dying business, speed up the pace of innovation, and fund projects that under normal operations would be unaffordable (Bloomberg Business Week, 2006). To survive and remain competitive, companies must develop new global markets, adjust to new challenges, and incorporate every advantage globalization offers. Technology â€Å"Advances in computer-related technology have had a major impact on the use of information for managing human resources† (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhert, Wright, 2007, Technological Change in HRM, para. 1). Filing, storing, sorting, and gathering information was previously very time-consuming and tedious. Today, computers permit limitless amounts of data and personal information to be transferred and stored at the click of a button. Communication between suppliers and distributors are almost instantaneous, saving both time and money on numerous phone calls between departments. As technology becomes more advanced however, additional training is required, permitting companies to stay ahead of the competition by acquiring and implementing those changes into their normal operating procedures. HRM prepares an organization and its employees to make that transition as easy as possible. Even though technology is normally very expensive and time consuming to integrate, it is a necessit y for growth and sustainability. Diversity â€Å"Managing diversity means to manage the various types of matters and employees in the company† (Small Business Bible, 2008, p. 1). HRDs are forced to change the way they attract, staff, and retain a company’s workforce, especially because most baby boomers are now entering retirement. Additionally, more women are now working full-time, up significantly from previous decades. To capitalize on diversity, organizations must embrace the idea of hiring a diverse workforce. Taking advantage of cultural, ethnical, gender and racial differences, and then managing those differences is a task HRM must undertake. Promoting and accepting cultural differences, ensuring involvement in education inside and outside of the organization, and dealing with any resistance to diversification is another aspect of HRM (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhert, Wright, 2007, A Diverse Workforce, para. 2). E-Business Electronic Business (E-Business) is defined as, â€Å"any process a business conducts electronically, especially business involving use of the internet (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhert, Wright, 2007, p. 50). E-Business has changed the way companies promote, advertise, market, and communicate not only their products and services, but also the company’s main purpose and focus of doing business. However, HRM faces new challenges because e-business and technology constantly changes, requiring constant training of current employees, and hiring qualified people outside of the company. If training is too extensive, then qualified people in the related field require higher salaries because of the supply and demand aspect of the position. Management must weigh their options carefully when providing and conducting e-business in today’s marketplace. Ethics Ethics is one of the most widely discussed aspects of business because every organization operates under specific principles and morals. What defines ethics is the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and good from bad. In business, organizations must operate in good faith with the goal of helping society and the environment within. HRM faces numerous challenges to safeguard the company’s beliefs while ensuring the employees rights and responsibilities are protected. A current discussion among society is an organizations right to outsource labor to other countries. Companies outsource to save money, increase revenue and shareholder value, and to remain competitive. However, in today’s economic downturn, is it right for United States based companies to outsource labor to overseas countries instead of helping the economy by outsourcing labor to companies residing in the United States? This topic is something currently discussed by legislation, requiring businesses to rethink how they do business, and the decisions management makes. Conclusion â€Å"The most valuable resources for enhancing competitiveness are human resources† (Goetsch Davis, 2010, Chapter 2, p. 36). Pulling those resources together and capitalizing on each person’s diversity, experiences, knowledge, and personalities is HRM’s goal. A business’s success relies heavily on management’s ability to group talented individuals, and link their abilities so that a specific goal is met. Without this ability, companies tend to struggle, finding it hard to overcome new obstacles found in a constantly changing environment. References Bloomberg Business Week. (2006). The Future of Outsourcing. Retrieved from Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2010). Quality management for organizational excellence: Introduction to total quality (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, MGT449Quality Management and Productivity Course website. Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhert, B., Wright, P. M. (2007). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, MGT431- Human Resources Management Course website. Small Business Bible. (2008). Human resource management and managing diversity. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2010). Course Syllabus. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, MGT/431- Human Resources Management Course website. Research Papers on Human Resource Roles and ResponsibilitiesMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductResearch Process Part OneGenetic Engineering

Friday, November 22, 2019

Disclosure of information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Disclosure of information - Essay Example This new employee begun badmouthing his/her former boss and the company he/she used to work with. We initially thought he/she was just kidding because he/she looked sharp and we thought that he/she knew that it is unethical to badmouth former employers to new work colleagues. But he/she was not kidding, as he/she ranted all night long venting all his/her frustration on us about his/her former boss, his former co-workers and everything about the company he/she used to work for. It got to the point that we got stressed by his/her ranting that it defeated the purpose of our night out. Listening to his/her litany of pent-up emotions about his/her former boss and company really stressed me. It really turned me off. And it got me thinking that I may be badmouthed too should this new fellow worker move to other company. The next day, I became uneasy and uncomfortable around this new fellow worker though he/she was nice to me. For whatever reason, I feel guarded around his/her presence. I became uncomfortable sharing my own personal idiosyncrasy and kept my distance from him/her. I also avoided long conversation with him/her. I am aware that it is not the usual me to avoid people. But with this co-worker, I seem to have hard-time establishing a personal relationship as I became too guarded and stiff around him/her for us to become friends. I can feel that he/she is not really that bad as a person. But I just cannot forget his/her litany and ranting during the first evening that we socialized. Every time I try, the words she mentioned against his/her former boss and work mates just keeps ringing on my head. In a way, her personal angst rubbed on me as it affected my ability to open up to some people. Years went by and we both eventually resigned, but our relationship never progressed beyond the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing Plan Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Marketing Plan Project - Research Paper Example United Arab Emirates has been enjoying modern, diversified and growing retail food sector over the years. Increasing development of new hypermarkets in last few years is the key driver for rapid growth in retail food sector. 90% of the total consumed food especially food ingredients s outsourced from markets and processed in this market. Therefore the domestic firm has huge opportunities in food market of UAE. Consequently, the people have high disposable income and for this reason they are very much reluctant to pay higher price for food if it is presented in a luxurious way and environment. Nevertheless, very few domestic businesses operate in retail food sectors as luxurious restaurant like multinational food chains present in this market. Therefore, future growth of this new business has been identified after detailed analysis of business environment, market trend and consumer behaviour. The main objective its marketing strategy would be to position the brand as luxurious restaur ant with a touch of western culture. ... Important macro environmental factors are political or legal, economical, social or cultural and technological factors of the market. Environmental analysis provides detail overview and understanding of a specific industry in a specific market. Economy Economy has substantial impact on this new food business. UAE is an emerging economy which driven by multiple strength areas of it like per capital income, consumption power and consumption trend, enrichment in living style of people etc. Though the country imports 90% of its annual food consumption from foreign markets but it can be neglected as weakness of the economy if it compared with the huge export of oil. Growth and opportunity of restaurant business highly depends on the positive economic factors of this market like income level and consumption trend. Significant growth in gross domestic product is the overall positive aspect of this economy. Economic growth of major cities like Dubai, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi is average 2.9%. This e conomic growth leads high income and rising trend of people to adopt modern and luxurious food habits (Rncos, 2010,p.1). Legal This company will operate restaurant food business which is very much sensitive category of business. Legal policies imposed in comparatively higher extend in food businesses than any other businesses in any economy. As a food processing business, it needs to follow the rules and regulations imposed by the government authorities regarding ensuring quality food to the people of the country. First, of all the company must need to have food licence from the government authority to operate its business in legal way. This is special legal requirements for this apart from other mandatory legal procurements. On the other hand, political disturbance and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Research skills and MLA documentation Assignment

Research skills and MLA documentation - Assignment Example Bruce Catton’s essay â€Å"Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts,† is a reflection of the comparisons and differences between the characteristics and lives of two influential leaders, Grant and Lee. The two leaders were both tough and resilient and although they had very different views they managed to meet at the Appomattox Court House on 9th April 1865 and agreed upon ending the Civil War. After the war, America needed to start over and there was thus a wide call for equality and justice among the Americans. Basically, Lee, upheld traditional beliefs and thus, he widely held that America had to retain its traditions and cultural practices. Therefore, Lee had this belief that having unequal groups of individuals with different social classes would provide the society with an advantage. For that reason, Lee vied for the traditional aristocratic concept as the efficient system that would have ruled the American nation. On the other hand, Grant, was brought up the â€Å"hard way† by his father on the Western frontier, and for that reason, he primarily concentrated on what the future held thus opposing Lee’s view of leadership. Therefore, Grant advocated for a system that would create a balanced social structure which would not discriminate against any citizen. Hence, Grant believed in the notion of competition and held that every citizen had the right to attain their limits. As leaders, Grant and Lee had personal beliefs that conflicted thus creating numerous differences between them. Whereas Lee increasingly saw advocated for a more traditional and conservative way of life, Grant advocated for a more modern way of leadership that would give every citizen a chance to thrive. However, Catton also states that despite having numerous differences, the two leaders had a couple of similarities. For instance, both Grant and Lee were good fighters and showed high determination in their duties. Furthermore, the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The effect of training and development on employee Performance

The effect of training and development on employee Performance Human Resource Management employs training and development as its feature that enables an organization to train its employees according to the requirement of the organization and polish the skills. Training activities are designed to improve human performance on the job the employee is presently doing or is being hired to do (Nadler, 1970). Development is concerned with the overall growth of the employee. The employees in an organization need to understand the job and its importance. Many a times learning occurs simultaneously with the job, but it is the obligation of the employer to provide on the job training to improve the skills of the employee as well as improve overall performance. Training and developmental activities in an organization affect the work performance of the employee and ultimately the firm. Infosys is a company that efficiently manages its employees and provides training for its employees different areas like the technical training, induction training, leadership training, cross cultural training etc. Leonard Nadler, (1970), Developing human resources, Gulf Pub. Co, pp.76-79 Research background The study proposes to understand the impact of training and development on employee performance with special reference to Infosys Technologies Limited. Training helps an employee acquire more skills and capabilities that help improves their performance in the job; training also makes them proficient in the job (Dahama, 1979). While developmental activities focus on learning new things which provide them new options to grow in the organization. Training and development models are explained with the help of learning theories viz. behaviorist theory, cognitive theory and humanist theory (Mowrer Klein, (2001). All these theories are concerned with the teaching and learning process of the employees. There are three main approaches to training which are adopted by organizations while deciding on the type of training delivered to the employees namely, traditional, experiential and performance based approach  (Rama, 1993). The continuous learning activities, professional and personal development in Infosys makes the company become successful in the IT industry and marks its presence in the world. The company gives due consideration to its employees and provides training in areas that make the employees well versed in their field. Infosys makes a framework for the continuous improvement of the employee and provides opportunities for their growth. They have incorporated many programs that mostly focus on the learning and development of the employees. Dahama, O. P, (1979),  Extension and rural welfare, New Delhi: Ram Parsad and Sons, pp.45-48 Rama, B. R, Etling, A. W, Bowen, B. E, (1993), Training of farmers and extension personnel, New Delhi: Mittal Publications, pp. 47-48 Mowrer R Robert, Klein B Stephen., (2001), Handbook of contemporary learning theories, Routledge, pp.16-19 Infosys Technologies Company description Infosys Technologies is a company that was established in the year 1981 by seven people. Infosys is one of the largest IT companies in India with more than US $5.4 billion revenue. Kris Gopalakrishnan is currently the CEO and MD of Infosys that delivers technology enables solutions to clients in different parts of the world. The company has 114,822 employees who work in the different parts of world and the company has its office in 33 countries. Even though the employee turnover in the IT industry is high the company is able to sustain its employees because of the efforts taken to provide growth and motivation through training and developmental activities. The company is considered to be one that provides the best kinds of training to its employees. They are well known for the training and developmental initiatives taken up to improve the performance of its employees. Infosys conducts training and development programs for the new recruits and also for the existing employees. Infosys has the following departments that provide different trainings to the employees: Education and research department this department provide technical training for the new recruits and the training lasts for about 14 weeks. This department also provides training for the middle level employees. Quality process training- the company is keen on making its employees understand their role in the organization; this department provides training clarifying the roles. Managerial programs and personal effectiveness- This department provides training to the managers in improving their skills and capabilities as managers, improves their leadership skills and induce team spirit in the organization. Infosys leadership system (ILI) The company has an institute called the Infosys leadership institute which is catered to bring growth to the employees and enhance their leadership abilities thus giving them the opportunity to improve themselves. (accessed on 3/12/2010) on 3/12/2010) on 3/12/2010) Rationale for the research topic The research work will throw light on the importance of training and development activities on improving employee performance. The study aims to evaluate the various training methods and models adopted by Infosys that motivate its employee to work towards the goals of the organization. Research will highlight the contributions of the developmental initiatives of Infosys on the growth and development of the employee. The study will focus on the effect of training and development on employee performance in Infosys. Literature review Training and development Training and development is essential part of the Human Resource Department in any organization. According to Van (1962) training is the process of teaching, informing, or educating people so that they may become as well qualified as possible to do their job, and become qualified to perform in positions of greater difficulty and responsibility. The staff in an organization is trained in different areas so that they become efficient in performing their activities. Inservice training is provided to employees so that their performance in the job increases as well as equips them to hold the responsibilities well. This training provides a development and growth for the individual. On the job training helps develop new core competencies and capabilities of the worker (Malone, 1984). There are various types of training that an employer needs to provide to the employee so that they are capable and competent enough at different stages of their work in the company. Following are the types of training: Orientation training or induction training: this is a training that most companies provide to a new employee. A new recruit will be unaware of the rules and work culture of the company, thus familiarizing them with the company is the responsibility of the HR department so that the employee is at ease and able to work effectively in the new environment (Rogers Olmsted, 1957). Foundation Training- This training is given to the employees to improve their overall skills like communication skills, coordination skills, leadership skills and also to understand their profession well and to gain knowledge regarding the administration. Technical training in companies in Infosys they provide their employees with the technical training that suits their work. This is provided to enhance their technical knowledge and make them professional in their area work. This is provided both to the new recruits as well as to the existing employees. Refresher training this is another type of training were the skills and abilities are updated. The employees need to be up-to-date with the changing scenario especially in the technology sector. The employees cannot work with obsolete skills, thus they are giver refresher training to improve their productivity (Van Dersal, 1962). On the job training- This kind of training is mostly provided to the employees by their superiors. The superiors do give formal instructions, presentations and involve the subordinated in discussions. By this way the employee gets an opportunity to gain more knowledge regarding their work and develop new skills. Developmental training- Training that helps an employee develop and grow in the organization. This type of training will help him take up more responsibilities and hold higher positions Malone (1984). This training will give the employee the professional skills, technical skills and more knowledge that will cater to their development and support them in climbing up the ladder of hierarchy in the organization and promote career development. Benefits of training and development There exist a relationship between training and development and employee performance. Training is the method of learning new things through education, practice and experience (Armstrong, 2000). An effective training can make the employees more competent and efficient and contribute to the growth of the organization (Ginsberg, 1997). A well trained employee will always be aware of his abilities, duties and responsibilities. The skills acquired can be efficiently utilized which will enable him to work towards the goals of the organization. Training is beneficiary to both the employees and the company in a lot of ways. Training makes an efficient and thus increases productivity More production leads to increased sales Wastage is reduced Employees will be more satisfied thus turnover and absenteeism will be reduced Efficient employees will produce more quality products Training is also a means of motivating the employees, the performance level of the employees also increases which acts as a pillar for the growth of the organization. Training and development in Infosys Infosys ensures that the employees are given the right kind of training thus contributing to the growth of the employees. Infosys has a well structured training process which is divided into many steps. Step1. Analyzing the training needs of the organization Step2. Objective of the training are formulated Step3. The already existing training methods are reviewed Step4. Develop a new method or select the already present method Step5. Training evaluation method has to be understood Step6. Implement the training program developed Step7. Measure the results obtained after training implementation This shows that the company has plan regarding the different training provided to the employees and they ensure that the results are obtained (Kumar, 2009). Infosys has a Training and development department that has many teams which take up the responsibility of managing the training activities in the organization. The teams include corporate training teams, teams for organizational development etc. Infosys follows certain methods like presentation, conferences, seminars, role playing, on the job training, case study, simulation, mentoring, in order to impart training to its employees. Some of the important types of developmental and training initiatives of Infosys include: Induction for new recruits, buddy programs to make the new employees familiarize with the organization, leadership, appraisal and quality training. They have adopted certain employee development methods that include, career pathing, options for higher education, plans for performance improvement, giving more projects to work on (Koontz, 1990). Infosys is keen on providing leadership training to its employees and they have set up the leadership institute that provides leadership development program (Durai, 2004). Armstrong Michael, (2000), Understanding training, Human Resource Management Practice, 8th Edition, Kogan page limited, London pp:543 Durai, (2004), Human Resource Management, Pearson Education India, pp.200-203 Koontz, (1990), Essentials of management, Tata McGraw-Hill, pp.218-220 Malone, V. M, (1984), Inservice training and staff development, Agricultural extension: A reference manual,  Rome: FAO, pp.12 Kumar Nirmalya, Mohapatra K Pradipta, Chandrasekhar Suj, (2009), Indias global powerhouses: how they are taking on the world, Harvard Business Press pp.70-72 Rogers, F. E., Olmsted, A. G, (1957),  Supervision in the  cooperative extension service, WI: National Agricultural Extension Center for Advanced Study, pp.23 Van Dorsal, W. R, (1962),  The successful supervisor,  New York: Harper and Row, pp. 23-26 Ginsberg, L, (1997), Training for the long haul, Computer Shopper, Vol: 17, pp: 4 Research Questions What are the effects of training and development on employee performance in Infosys Technologies Limited would be the foremost and the most relevant question related to the topic. Some other questions that can be put forward in relation to the topic are: How will training bring about a change in the productivity of the employees? What are the important developmental initiatives taken up by Infosys to provide its employees the opportunity to grow? In what way is effectiveness and performance of the employees linked to the training and developmental activities in the company? Research objectives Primary objective To study the effect of training and development on employee performance in Infosys Specific objectives To evaluate the effectiveness of training and development on employee productivity To understand the training and development models of the company that contributes to the growth of the employees To study of there is a relationship between employee performance and training and development in Infosys Methodology Research design and design adopted A research is the process of findings answers to certain problems that are carried out within a framework of philosophies, procedures, approaches, and techniques which are tested for reliability (Kothari, 1985). A research methodology is the process of systematic way of collecting and analyzing information related to a topic. This study follows a method of problem identification in the company related to the topic and then finding solutions to the problems and issues (Kumar, 2005). For the purpose of problem diagnosis and testing relevant data are collected and analyzed. Kothari, C.R., (1985), Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited, pp.2-5 Kumar, Ranjit, (2005), Research Methodology-A Beginners, (2nd.ed.), Singapore, Pearson Education, pp. 38-40 8.2 data collection methods 1. Sampling Methods The sampling method chosen in this study is convenient sampling were the author distributes questionnaires to the employees. The population chosen for the study is the employees of the company, under the category of trainers and trainees Infosys. Samples are chosen according to the convenience of the author from both populations. 2. Sample size Sample size is the number of employees chosen for the study from the total population of employees in the company. The number of employees chosen among whom questionnaire will be distributed in Infosys is 100 which include 25% trainers and 75% the trainees. 3. Sampling technique Sampling techniques is the method by which the researcher chooses samples from the total population. The categorization of the sampling is also important. In this particular study the researcher will choose samples from both the trainer population and employee population who undergo training in Infosys. This is done in order to analyze the effectiveness of training and development from two angles namely from the point of view of the trainers and the trainees. The questionnaires are distributed among these groups thus retaining valuable information regarding the training and development activities of the organization. Questionnaires Questionnaires are a means to collect relevant data from the group under study. This study carried out with the help of structured questionnaires that contain questions related to the topic. It will include questions regarding training and development and employee performance in the company. Questionnaire help the researcher get direct responses of the employees who are associated with the training and development activities of the company. While using questionnaires there are chances that the responses obtained may be biased and not the real response of the respondent. In this research the researcher needs to prepare 2 types of questionnaires one for the trainers and another one for the trainees. Thus he can obtain the response from both these groups regarding the topic. Interview The various drawbacks of questionnaires can be overcome using the interview method as it provides an opportunity for researcher to have a face to face interaction with the employees. Interview method is relevant as the interviewer can include more interactive and open ended questions. This will help obtain more specific information related to the topic. Interview method can be used in cases where the sample size is low. In this study the researcher can interview the trainers and other employees and get their personal opinions and suggestions on training and development followed in the company and how it has brought about a change in them. Data Analysis Data analysis is the process of converting the collected raw data into a polished form which can be easily interpreted and understood to give relevant conclusions. There are various data analysis techniques that can be used in different types of researches according to the requirements (Nolan Bryan, 1994). Empirical data are analyzed using statistical tools which provide reliable and accurate results. In this particular study the data analysis method that can be used are the percentage analysis and Chi-square test. These tests will help obtain accurate results for the study and prove or disprove the objectives formulated.   Nolan Bryan, (1994), Data analysis: an introduction, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.134-136 Resource Requirements The author needs different types of data and resources to carry out the study effectively. The data are collected by primary and secondary means. In this study the author obtained primary data by way of questionnaires which when distributed among the respondents give relevant responses which can be used in the study. Secondary data are collected from books and journals, articles, magazines, websites and other media. The author can make use of libraries to collect information from books; World Wide Web is also means for obtaining information related to the topic. Time scale EXERCISE WEEKS One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight   Selection of research proposal Decision on topic title Working on research background Rationale Execution on research objectives Formulation of research questions Working  Ã‚  on literature review Knowing research methodology Elucidating data collection method Working on data analysis Clarification with the lecturer Time spectrum Bibliography

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Assesment centers :: essays research papers

Assessment Centers An Assessment Center can be defined as "a variety of testing techniques designed to allow candidates to demonstrate, under standardized conditions, the skills and abilities that are most essential for success in a given job" (Coleman, 1987), it consists of a standardized evaluation of behavior based on multiple evaluations including oral exercises, counseling simulations, problem analysis exercises, interview simulations, role play exercises, written report/analysis exercises, and leaderless group exercises. These centers allow the candidates to make proofs of their knowledge through a number of job and special situations (Joiner, 1984). Assessment centers are varying concerning the number and type of exercises which are included. The most common exercises are the in-basket and the oral exercise. In the in-basket exercise, the candidates are given time to review the material and initiate in writing whatever actions they believe to be most appropriate in relation to each in-basket item. When time is called for the exercise, the in-basket materials and any notes, letters, memos, or other correspondence written by the candidate are collected for review by one or more assessors. Often the candidates are then interviewed to ensure that the assessor(s) understand actions taken by the candidate. If an interview is not possible, it is also quite common to have the candidate complete a summary sheet. Recently, the in-basket has become a focus of interest because of it's usefulness in selection across a wide variety of jobs (Schippmann, Prien, & Katz, 1990). A variety of techniques have been used to develop in-baskets. Quite often information on an in-basket's development is not available for review because the reports do not contain the critical information. A recent review indicated that nearly 50% of the studies do not describe how the in-basket was constructed (Schippmann, et al., 1990). There is also a great deal of variation among the ways in which the in-basket is scored. There is a range of objectivity in scoring with some scoring systems utilize almost entirely human judgment, while others utilize a purely objective approach. The in-basket exercise may be thought of as an approach which assesses a candidate's "practical thinking" ability by having a candidate engage in implicit problem solving for a job-relevant task. It is now well recognized that a content valid approach to constructing an in-basket is one which is professionally accepted as a technique which has passed legal examination. However, despite the acceptance by the courts and practitioners, the reporting basis for content validity is often deficient.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Rh Bill

St. Jude College School of Art Science and Education Manila A Term Paper Submitted as a Requirement For the Subject: Philippine Government and Constitution Submitted By: Jim Waine C. Averilla Karissa Helene B. Salvador Submitted To: Diosdado B. Lopega March 27, 20 HISTORYAccording to the Senate Policy Brief titled Promoting Reproductive Health, the history of reproductive health in the Philippines dates back to 1967 when leaders of 12 countries including the Philippine’s Ferdinand Marcos signed the Declaration of Population The Philippines agreed that the population problem should be considered as the principal element for long-term economic development.Thus, the Population Commission was created to push for a lower family size norm and provide information and services to lower fertility rates. Starting 1967, the USAID started shouldering 80% of the total family planning commodities (contraceptives) of the country, which amounted to US$ 3 Million annually. In 1975, the United States adopted as its policy the  National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200). The policy gives â€Å"paramount importance† to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries, including the Philippines to control rapid population growth which they deem to be inimical to the socio-political and economic growth of these countries and to the national interests of the United States, since the â€Å"U. S. conomy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad†, and these countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the United States. It recommends the US leadership to â€Å"influence national leaders† and that â€Å"improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, US IA, and USAID. Different presidents had different points of emphasis.President Marcos pushed for a systematic distribution of contraceptives all over the country, a policy that was called â€Å"coercive,† by its leading administrator. The Cory Aquino administration focused on giving couples the right to have the number of children they prefer, while the Ramos presidency shifted from population control to population management. Estrada used mixed methods of reducing fertility rates, while Arroyo focused on mainstreaming natural family planning, while stating that contraceptives are openly sold in the country.In 1989, the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) was established, â€Å"dedicated to the formulation of viable public policies requiring legislation on population management and socio-economic development. † In 2000, the Philippines signed the Millennium Declaration and committed to attain the MDG goals by 2015, including p romoting gender equality and health. In 2003, USAID started its phase out of a 33-year-old program by which free contraceptives were given to the country.Aid recipients such as the Philippines faced the challenge to fund its own contraception program. In 2004, the Department of Health introduced the Philippines Contraceptive Self-Reliance Strategy, arranging for the replacement of these donations with domestically provided contraceptives. In August 2010, the government announced a collaborative work with the USAID in implementing a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy in favor of family planning called â€Å"May Plano Sila. † Summary of criticismOpponents of the bill argue that: (1) â€Å"The world's leading scientific experts† have resolved the issues related to the bill and show that the â€Å"RH Bill is based on wrong economics† as the 2003 Rand Corporation study shows that â€Å"there is little cross-country evidence that population growth im pedes or promotes economic growth†. (2) The bill takes away limited government funds from treating many high priority medical and food needs and transfers them to fund objectively harmful and deadly devices.The latest studies in scientific journals and organizations show that the ordinary birth control pill, and the IUD are abortifacient to 100-celled human embryos: they kill the embryonic human, who as such are human beings equally worthy of respect, making the bill unconstitutional. (3) US National Defense Consultant, Lionel Tiger, has shown empirical evidence that contraceptives have deleterious social effects (abortion, premarital sex, female impoverishment, fatherless children, teenage pregnancies, and poverty).Harvard School of Public Health scientist Edward Green observes that ‘when people think they're made safe by using condoms at least some of the time, they actually engage in riskier sex', in the phenomenon called â€Å"risk compensation†. There is evid ence for increased risk of cancer (breast, cervical, liver) as well as significant increase of risk for heart attack and stroke for current users of oral contraceptives. The increased usage of contraceptives, which implies that some babies are unwanted, will eventually lead to more abortion; the orrelation was shown in a scientific journal and acknowledged by pro-RH leaders, (4) People's freedom to access contraceptives is not restricted by any opposing law, being available in family planning NGOs, stores, etc. The country is not a welfare state: taxpayer's money should not be used for personal practices that are harmful and immoral; it can be used to inform people of the harm of BCPs. (5) The penal provisions constitute a violation of free choice and conscience, and establishes religious persecution.President Aquino stated he was not an author of the bill. He also stated that he gives full support to a firm population policy, educating parents to be responsible, providing contracep tives to those who ask for them, but he refuses to promote contraceptive use. He said that his position â€Å"is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health. Economic and demographic premises The Philippines is the 39th most densely populated country, with a density over 335 per squared kilometer, and the population growth rate is 1. % (2010 Census), 1. 957% (2010 est. by CIA World Fact Book), or 1. 85% (2005–2010 high variant estimate by the UN Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision) coming from 3. 1 in 1960. The 2010 total fertility rate (TFR) is 3. 23 births per woman, from a TFR of 7 in 1960. In addition, the total fertility rate for the richest quintile of the population is 2. 0, which is about one third the TFR of the poorest quintile (5. 9 children per woman). The TFR for women with college education is 2. , about half that of women with only an elementary education (4. 5 children per woman). Congressman Lagman states that the bill â€Å"recognizes the verifiable link between a huge population and poverty. Unbridled population growth stunts socioeconomic development and aggravates poverty. † The University of the Philippines' School of Economics presented two papers in support of the bill: Population and Poverty: the Real Score (2004), and Population, Poverty, Politics and the Reproductive Health Bill (2008).According to these economists, which include Solita Monsod, Gerardo Sicat, Cayetano Paderanga, Ernesto M. Pernia, and Stella Alabastro-Quimbo, â€Å"rapid population growth and high fertility rates, especially among the poor, do exacerbate poverty and make it harder for the government to address it,† while at the same time clarifying that it would be â€Å"extreme† to view â€Å"population growth as the principal cause of poverty that would justify the government resorting to draconian and coercive measures to deal with the problem (e. g. denial of basic services and subsidies to families with more than two children). † They illustrate the connection between rapid population growth and poverty by comparing the economic growth and population growth rates of Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, wherein the first two grew more rapidly than the Philippines due to lower population growth rates. They stressed that â€Å"the experience from across Asia indicates that a population policy cum government-funded [family planning] program has been a critical complement to sound economic policy and poverty reduction†.In Population and Poverty, Aniceto Orbeta, Jr, showed that poverty incidence is higher among big families: 57. 3% of Filipino families with seven children are in poverty while only 23. 8% of families who have two children live below the poverty threshold. Percentage of population living below poverty line (2003). Darker areas mean more poverty. Proponents argue that smaller families and wider birth intervals resulting from the use of contraceptives allow families to invest more in each child’s education, health, nutrition and eventually reduce poverty and hunger at the household level.At the national level, fertility reduction cuts the cost of social services with fewer people attending school or seeking medical care and as demand eases for housing, transportation, jobs, water, food and other natural resources. The Asian Development Bank in 2004 also listed a large population as one of the major causes of poverty in the country, together with weak macroeconomic management, employment issues, an underperforming agricultural sector and an unfinished land reform agenda, governance issues including corruption. Criticism of premisesOpponents refer to a 2003 study of Rand Corporation, which concluded that â€Å"there is little cross-country evidence that population growth impedes or promotes economic growth†¦ population neutralism has in fact been the predominant school in thinking among academ ics about population growth for the last half-century. † For example, the 1992 study of Ross Levine and David Renelt, which covered 119 countries over 30 years (vs UP study of 3 countries over a few years). The RAND study also said that a large population can promote growth given the right fundamentals.Thus, they refer to the HSBC 2012 projection for 2050 that the Philippines will be 16th largest economy due to its large growing population, and those whose populations are decreasing will suffer decline. In his Primer which critiques the bill, Economist Roberto de Vera refers to Nobel prize winner Simon Kuznets's study which concludes that â€Å"no clear association appears to exist in the present sample of countries, or is likely to exist in other developed countries, between rates of growth of population and of product per capita. Julian Simon compared parallel countries such as North and South Korea, East and West Germany whose birthrates were practically the same but whose economic growth was entirely different due to different governance factors. De Vera says that â€Å"similar conclusions have been arrived at by the US National Research Council in 1986 and in the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) Consultative Meeting of Economists in 1992† and the studies of Hanushek and Wommann (2007), Doppelhoffer, Miller, Sala-I-Martin (2004), Ahlburg (1996), etc.The other Nobel Prize winner who expressed the same view is Gary Becker. De Vera also states that from 1961 to 2000, as Philippine population increased almost three times, poverty decreased from 59% to 34%. He stressed that the more probable cause of poor families is not family size but the limited schooling of the household head: 78% to 90% of the poor households had heads with no high school diploma, preventing them from getting good paying jobs.He refers to studies which show that 90% of the time the poor want the children they have: as helpers in the farm and investment for a secure old age. Instead of aiming at population decrease, De Vera stressed that the country should focus through education on cashing in on a possible â€Å"demographic dividend†, a period of rapid economic growth that can happens when the labor force is growing faster than the dependents (children and elderly), thus reducing poverty significantly.In a recent development, two authors of the Reproductive Health Bill changed their stand on the provisions of the bill regarding population and development. Reps. Emerciana de Jesus and Luzviminda Ilagan wanted to delete three provisions which state that â€Å"gender equality and women empowerment are central elements of reproductive health and population and development,† which integrate responsible parenthood and family planning programs into anti-poverty initiatives, and which name the Population Commission as a coordinating body.The two party-list representatives strongly state that poverty is not due to over-population but because of inequalit y and corruption. Opponents also refer to the statement of the Federation of Free Farmers that history teaches about the economic advantages of a large population, and the disadvantages of a smaller population. The Wall Street Journal in July 2012 said that Aquino's â€Å"promotion of a ‘reproductive health' bill is jarring† since it could lead to â€Å"a demographic trap of too few workers.The Philippines doesn't have too many people, it has too few pro-growth policies. † Opposing the bill, Former Finance Secretary Roberto de Ocampo wrote that it is â€Å"truly disingenuous for anyone to proceed on the premise that the poor are to blame for the nation’s poverty. † He emphasized that the government should apply the principle of first things first and focus on the root causes of the poverty (e. g. poor governance, corruption) and apply many other alternatives to solve the problem (e. g. giving up pork barrel, raising tax collection efficiency).They a lso point to the five factors for high economic growth and reduction of poverty shown by the 2008 Commission on Growth and Development headed by Nobel prize winner Michael Spence, which does not include population control. Status Legislature On 31 January 2011, six different bills were consolidated into a single RH Bill which was then unanimously approved for plenary debate by the House Committee on Population and Family Relations. On 7 February 2011, the bill was scheduled to go before the House Appropriations Committee. 6 February 2011 the bill was endorsed by the House Appropriations Committee with amendment and referred back to the Population Committee for finalizing the language. President and Cabinet President Noynoy Aquino during the presidential campaign said that it confounds him why he is always associated with the RH Bill and reiterated that he is neither an author nor a co-author, much less did he sign the committee report regarding the bill. He said that â€Å"he will fully support the crafting of a firm policy that will address the serious problem on population. At the same time, Aquino said that â€Å"artificial contraception was a matter of choice and conscience and that health professionals who fool people into using artificial contraceptives should be penalized. As a Catholic, Aquino said he himself was not promoting artificial contraception but believes that the government should be able to provide it to Filipinos who ask for it. † Aquino stressed: â€Å"I’m a Catholic, I’m not promoting it. My position is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health.According to Rina Jimenez David who is pro-RH, during the â€Å"Women Deliver Philippines† Conference held September 2010, Dinky Soliman, Aquino's Secretary of Social Welfare and Development, said that â€Å"choice and access† constituted the keystone of the Aquino government’s policy, reiterating the administration’s support for the pending reproductive health bills. On December 2010, the Cabinet and the CBCP agreed to have a joint campaign providing full information on the advantages and risks of contraceptives, natural and artificial family planning and responsible parenthood.They have established a technical working group for this purpose. They also agreed that government will not be an â€Å"instrument to enforce or violate the conscience of the people about these issues. † However, by April 2011 the President has given his full support to the entire RH Bill in a speech at the University of the Philippines and promised to push for its passage even at the â€Å"risk of excommunication. † Compromise and alternativesSenate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Congressman Roilo Golez and Buhay party-list separately filed bills that seek to restrict abortion and birth control use. These bills have been seen either as a nullification of the RH Bill, its alternative, or as a way of achieving unity among the populace, since the RH Bill proponents have stated their concern in preventing abortion. Presidential candidate Gilbert Teodoro or Gibo suggested a cash transfer from the government to individuals wanting access to family planning methods, whether natural or artificial.The individuals can then make use of the cash they receive to purchase birth control devices they may choose, thus guaranteeing freedom of choice. The Loyola School of Theology and the John J. Carroll Institute on State and Church Issues issued 9 â€Å"Talking Points† on the RH Bill. Among other points, they proposed a study on the meaning of conception in the Constitution, and if it means fertilization, abortifacients â€Å"are to be banned even now and regardless of whether the RH Bill is passed†.They also proposed â€Å"parallel programs for providing information and training, one for Natural Family Planning (NFP) and another for artificial methods of family planning†. Columnis t Jose Sison of the Philippine Star criticized this: â€Å"a Catholic School of theology has actually proposed in public, the use of tax payers’ money to train Filipinos to employ methods that are objectively and intrinsically evil† and cites â€Å"empirical evidence and scientific proofs confirming the harmful and evil effects of contraceptives to individuals and to society. † Recent eventsIn September 2010, Aquino during this visit to the US reiterated his stand that he is in favor of responsible parenthood and respects the decision of each couple as to the number of children they want, and if they need the government support for contraception, then the government will provide it. This statement has created a furor as Catholic church leaders say that Aquino has sold out the Filipino soul in exchange for some â€Å"measly† aid from the United States. The President of the Catholic Bishops Conference said that there can possibly be an excommunication of th e President if he continues on with his stance.Pro RH Bill Senators encouraged the President to be steadfast to do his duties towards the state. The President's spokesperson Edwin Lacierda explained that the President â€Å"has not changed his stand† and is reaching out to the prelates and said that the President himself has not made any decision in support of the Reproductive Health Bill as he is still studying the document. Lacierda said that the Executive Branch â€Å"is not involved in the passage of the RH bill, saying the measure's fate rests solely on the legislative branch. â€Å"Filipino Freethinkers, an association of agnostics, atheists, progressives, etc. , who have been very active in the fight in favor of the RH bill, stepped up the pressure, creating more controversy that fired up renewed interest in the bill on both sides. On 30 September 2010, one of the freethinkers, Carlos Celdran staged a protest action against the Catholic Church, holding a sign which r ead â€Å"DAMASO† – a reference to the villainous, corrupt clergyman Father Damaso of the novel Noli Me Tangere by Filipino revolutionary writer Jose Rizal – and shouting â€Å"stop getting involved in politics! A fan page, Free Carlos Celdran was created in Facebook, which generated 23,808 fans in 24 hours. Francisco Montalvan of the Inquirer said that in the end the Damasos are the scheming, corrupt and deceptive people, implying that the â€Å"pro-death advocates† are these, while the Cardinal Rosales who started a nationwide fund for the poor is very far from Damaso. Meanwhile, the Imam Council of the Philippines, the top leaders of the Moslem population which at 4. M constitutes 5% of the Philippine population, declared that they are against contraceptives since using them â€Å"underestimates God,† and â€Å"makes one lose morality in the process. † During the first public hearing on 24 Nov, the chair of the Committee on Population ha ndling the bill said that there is no instruction from the Speaker of the House to expedite the bill. Upon the call of anti-RH congressmen, the Committee Chair decided to refer the bill also to the Committee on Health, since the bill is about Reproductive Health.Leader of the pro-RH group, Elizabeth Ansioco, said that the bill is doomed if it is referred to the Committee on Health. Anti-RH Deputy Speaker Congressman Pablo Garcia said the members of the Committee on Health know of the WHO announcement on the carcinogenicity of combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives. House Speaker Belmonte said that Congress is not likely to rush the legislation of the bill and will tackle it in plenary early next year. Belmonte said it is better that highly contentious bills be given more attention.On 3 December, the Senate cut the proposed budget of P 880M for contraceptives down to P 8M for condoms since other contraceptives violated the Constitution's ban on abortifacients, and Senator Tito Sotto III said that his constituents never asked for contraceptives. On 27 July 2012, the Speaker of the House decided to put to a vote by 7 August 2012 whether the debates have to be terminated. In response, pro-life groups and the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines have decided to call for a â€Å"Prayer Power Rally†, on 4 August 2012 at the historic Edsa Shrine.Meanwhile, 6 co-authors of the bill withdrew support, with the head of the minority group of the house declaring that 8 of their group are withdrawing their previous support for the bill. Congressional approval and presidential assent At 3 in the morning on December 13, 2012, the House of Representatives voted on second reading in favor of the bill with 113–109, while five representatives abstained. In the upper house, the Senate voted on December 18, 2012 to pass the bill on second reading with 13–8, while Senators Sergio Osmena, III and Lito Lapid were absent.On the same day, both ho uses passed the bill on the third and final reading. Members of the House of Representatives voted 133–79, while seven representatives abstained. The Senate registered 13–8, the same result as the second reading. On December 19, 2012, both versions of the bill were passed to the Bicameral Committee to produce a final version to be signed by the President Aquino. The committee quickly passed the bill in just one session.It was transmitted back to the House of Representatives and the Senate, which both ratified the bill, with the Senate voting 11–5 in favor of ratification, and the House of Representatives voting via voice vote. On December 21, 2012, President Aquino signed the bill into law, codifying the bill as Republic Act No. 10354, otherwise known as the â€Å"Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012†. News of the signing was announced by House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II on December 28, 2012. Reactions Averilla, Jim Waine C. Philippine Government & Constitution I used to support the RH bill. But finding out the truth behind it, neither would you. I believe this law will put the Filipinos at risk of extinction because at its very core, the RH law is an extension of a secret, global conspiracy, a western attempt, to apply principles of eugenics on unsuspecting, inferior populations in order to prevent them from the human evolutionary process, at the end of which would, at the highest point, call forth the â€Å"master race†. The truth is in our hearts, we just have to listen to it.At first my interpretation of the RH bill led me to think that it was just a bill meant to help educate the uninformed about ways to prevent them from fornicating their way to a very bad financial situation. My ignorant mind devised some simple points as to why the RH Bill was right. I thought: 1. Minimum wage of a non-agricultural Filipino worker is P404. 2. If there were 20 working days in a month, the average minimum w age earning Filipino would earn around P8000 a month. 3. In average that person ate food on a regular basis, he will spend about around P70/day on food.There are 20 days in a month, so I guess that would equal to P2100 a month. 4. But if this person had a partner, he might want to feed her too. Feeding her would cost another P2100 a month. 5. P8000 – P4200 = P3800 6. If this person and his wife rented a home, or used electricity and bathed from time to time, the amount left from his salary would be significantly reduced. Lets say their utility bills and rend amounted to P1800 7. P3800 – P1800 = P2000 8. P2000 is a lot of money, but I don’t think they should have more than 3 children right?Babies need milk, diapers, toys, immunity injections, baby medicine, etc†¦ 9. From this let’s deduce that babies cost money. If babies cost money, I theorized that having more babies would cost more money. And from this data, I see that a person who spent a lot of m oney on children, but I didn’t earn a lot of money, would soon be broke and unable to provide for both himself and his children. Another word for broke situation is poverty. 10. I believe that a person can avoid being poor by making less babies. So, I thought that steps should be taken to inform people about this very little known fact.I also thought that the government should make contraceptives accessible so that people who don’t earn a lot can properly manage the little resources that they have. That’s why I supported the RH Bill. But now I know that I was wrong. I believe that the issue of the RH Bill is not a religious issue. â€Å"The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that the Philippines is overpopulated. † -I agree. I, myself, have observed that the Philippines is not overpopulated. In fact, if you use your common sense and think about it, you will realize a few things: 1. We are not overpopulated!Look at the mountains, the jungles, the caves an d the ocean floor. There are no people there! 2. If we were really overpopulated, we would have trouble traveling. But if you go to EDSA, there’s no traffic. When you ride the MRT, it’s not packed with people. 3. Students in public schools are well educated because the teacher to student ratio is very low. In fact, because of our low population the government can basically guarantee that all public school students are provided books, notebooks and other school supplies. â€Å"The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women. 1. I agree, the RH Bill/Law is not good for women because it might draw a woman away from her one, true, universal purpose – the uninterrupted production of healthy babies 2. Furthermore, the role of women in society and the universe is to make babies. That’s why God made women. That’s their sole purpose in life. They’re not good for anything else. Ever wonder why there are no w omen in the clergy? Because they’re not good enough. 3. Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses.That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege. 4. Women should get pregnant every single time they have sex and only immoral women enjoy sex without the possibility of conception. In fact, a better alternative would be for women, in general, to follow the example made by Mother Mary – to learn how to conceive without having sex. â€Å"The RH Bill/Law will put Filipinos at risk of extinction! † 1. Population decline is just bad for nations. Just look at the countries which have a declining population – Italy, Japan and Singapore. They’re in such a bad shape.The Philippines obviously has a better economy and has a higher literacy rate than these countries. In fact, many Italians, Japanese, and Singaporeans go to the Philippines fo r work. That only goes to show that a decline in population is bad for the economy. â€Å"Our population is our biggest asset! † 1. In my opinion, people should make as many babies as they can because the population is not a problem. In fact, the more babies a person has, the more assets he has. Forget real estate properties, stock investments, or Jollibee franchises. The real secret to increased wealth is babies. 2.If you have 15 babies, you’re practically wealthy because babies are assets 3. If you need money, you can sell them 4. If you can keep them alive until they can walk, they can one day beg for money in the streets – they’re going to have to anyway because there’s no way in hell you’ll be able to provide for all of them on your own 5. If ever a person is not able to feed the 15 babies he made, it’s the governments fault, because it’s the governments sole responsibility to make sure that every Filipino baby is fed. 6. The best way a person can contribute to this country is to contribute to its population. The RH Bill/Law is wrong because it assumes that reproductive education and contraceptives will effectively reduce cases of abortion. † 1. Reproductive/contraceptive education will have no effect on the number of abortion cases. In my opinion, these abortion cases will not lessen because women will continue to have abortions regardless of whether they are pregnant or not. 2. Abortions cannot be prevented. It’s just something that women naturally do. Like shopping, for example. â€Å"The RH Bill/Law is wrong because it will make people participate in extra-marital and pre-marital sex. † 1.The RH Bill/Law will practically encourage our people to engage in immoral activities. 2. We must protect our moral values and reject the RH Bill. Because, currently, not a single Filipino engages in pre-marital sex or extra-marital sex. Well at least this is what we believe until to this day . 3. The root cause of extra-marital and pre-marital sex is one’s exposure to contraceptives. There is just something in contraceptives that people find very arousing. 4. In western countries, men lure strange women into bed by shown those condoms. 5. If we ban condoms, absolutely no one would engage in premarital or extra-marital sex. The RH Bill/Law is wrong because it assumes that parents don’t teach their children about sex. † 1. The truth is that parents talk to their children about sex all the time. It’s so not awkward. The dad usually tells his children how he takes off all his clothes, does a sexy Tiger growl and makes sweet, sweet music with their mother’s body. 2. Also, a father usually advises his daughter that if she’s going to have sex with her boyfriend, she should use a condom. Sometimes the father even drives the daughter to the boyfriend’s house and waits for the couple to finish 3.Filipino daughters don’t have sex without the father’s permission. Unwanted pregnancies or teen pregnancies never happen to Filipino girls. That’s why we do not need the RH Law â€Å"The RH Bill is a conspiracy. † It’s all lies, all lies Salvador, Karissa Helene Philippine Government & Constitution It is very much unfortunate, disappointing, and alarming that nobody in the mainstream media talks about the negative, unintended consequences of the fascist Reproductive Health bill, now called Responsible Parenthood bill, on the country’s business sector, particularly small businesses.I reject this legislative proposal primarily because it’s anti-reason, anti-individualism, and anti-capitalism. In other words it is against individual rights, liberty and economic freedom. This is just one of the many aspects of the bill– that it can negatively impact the country’s industry, particularly small business establishments that employ millions of professionals and skil led and even unskilled workers. Let’s take a small cafeteria, canteen, or publishing house near your place. Think about the small establishments and bar and restaurant stools in malls and many places in the metro.These small businesses that put two to ten or so people will be one of the main targets of the RH bill supported by some misguided, mediocre hippies who are mostly schooled and professionals. Yet nobody wants to talk about this issue. It’s as if these pro-RH bill hippies and fanatics think that wealth is created by wishful thinking, that is, by simply passing an intrusive, rights-violating bill purportedly designed to help the poor and women. What these anti-population and pro-regulation advocates don’t know is that the proposed legislative measure is itself a big insult to the poor and women.It is anti-poor and anti-women. The RH bill is a big insult to the poor because it treats them as dependent, parasites, worthless, or a leech who simply rely on ot her people’s extorted money or alms. Authors of the consolidated bill argue that one of the principal objectives of their highly moderate, anti-intellectual measure is to â€Å"help reduce poverty and achieve sustainable human development. † Still, what these political idiots do not and refuse to understand is that the government has no financial capability to deliver the promises of their measure because it is already bankrupt.The government, which is the worst parasite in this country, is not a productive agency or entity. It can only deliver some of the promised public services by using state force, like taxation, regulation, and forcible immolation of some social sectors like businessmen and health care providers. The consolidated RH law is a huge insult to women– and this is what statistician does not understand – because it considers them as inferior, ignorant, weak, having no mental, physical and emotional capability to decide on her own and to pro tect herself.It treats women as ignorant and weak because the law’s advocates believe that they need to pass a highly intrusive, unconstitutional legislative proposal to provide them the information and services they need. Also, the proposal is a big insult to every Filipino family because it treats parents as irresponsible, ignorant, weak, lazy, and having no capacity to make informed, responsible family decisions. It is stated that the law’s primary goal is to â€Å"help give parents the opportunity to exercise their right to freely and responsibly plan the number and spacing of their children. That’s the other way of saying that Filipino parents are not free and badly need the help and assistance of the state so to â€Å"responsibly plan the number and spacing of their children. † The bill’s highly mediocre and ignorant explanatory note adds: â€Å"The bill is truly rights-based. It mandates the provision of all forms of family planning, both modern natural and artificial, to women and couples as long as they are legal and medically-safe, and truly effective. However, the acceptance and adoption is the option and decision of parents and couple, particularly women. If that’s the case, why is there a need to pass the bill? The answer is because this is not what the bill is all about. In truth and in reality, it is about more political power! It’s about putting the entire business industry, medical profession and education sector under the total control and supervision of the state. In general, the bill is a BIG INSULT to the entire Filipino nation that has somehow embraced rational principles and the concept of freedom and individual rights. Those who ignorantly, naively take the consolidated bill at its face value will certainly accept the contradictory slogans.There are two sides of the consolidated bill: the fantasy side and the reality side. The measure’s fantasy side can be readily gleaned from it s highly ignorant explanatory note, which is filled with supportive statistics and some tragic information about the plight of the poor and women. They did not state how except the fact that they enumerated the bill’s nice-to-hear intents and provisions. The reality side of the measure is that all those promised, stated RH services would be covered or delivered by sacrificing, enslaving employers and health care providers.Section 18 states: Employers’ Responsibilities- The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall ensure that employers respect the reproductive rights of workers. Consistent with the intent of Article 134 of the Labor Code, employers with more than two hundred (200) employees shall provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. Those with less than two hundred (200) workers shall enter into partnerships with hospitals, health facilities, or health professionals in their areas for the delivery of rep roductive health services.Employers shall furnish in writing the following information to all employees and applicants: (a) The medical and health benefits which workers are entitled to, including maternity and paternity leave benefits and the availability of family planning services; (b) The reproductive health hazards associated with work, including hazards that may affect their reproductive functions especially pregnant women; and (c) The availability of health facilities for workers.What does this section mean? Section 17 details the bill’s horrible fantastic scheme. So once the fascist bill is approved, any potential or aspiring employer would be covered by it, which means that he/she would be legally regarded as an indirect government employee. The employers or companies who have the capacity (with more than 200 employees) would be mandated by law to â€Å"provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. This provision me ans that those employers and companies with more than 200 employees need to have their own â€Å"health facilities†, and this means additional expenses on the part of job-creators. On the other hand, employers with less than 200 employees shall enter into â€Å"partnerships with hospitals, health facilities, and/or health professionals in their areas for the delivery of reproductive health services. † Logic tells us that since employers and companies would be legally required to shoulder additional expenses, then they are justified to increase the prices of their products and/or services.Does anyone think of PRICE CONTROL? The state control of the entire medical industry is laid out under Sections 20 (Implementing Mechanisms) and 22(1) on prohibited acts. The penalty that awaits erring, non-compliant employers and health care providers could be imprisonment ranging from one (1) month to six months or fine of P10,000 to P50,000 or both. This means that any employer may be sued by his/her employees for non-compliant with the intents and provisions of the bill.Once the RH bill is approved, anyone who thinks of starting a business, whether big or small, should consider the measure’s punitive provisions, some necessary expenses, and the need to deal with government regulators. In the United States, hundreds companies left the Democratic-infested California because of the state’s too much regulations and anti-business policies. This is why I have been telling my blog readers that the bill is NOT simply about serving the alleged interests of the poor and women; it is PRIMARILY about MORE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS.The bill is about nanny statism or BIG GOVERNMENT. Already, many foreign investors do not want to invest in the Philippines because of its high tax rates, excessive economic regulations, pro-employee labor courts, leftist-activist court justices, among others. The Doingbusiness. orgrecently ranked Philippines 148th in terms of ease i n doing business and 156th in terms of starting business. In terms of paying taxes, the country has been ranked 124th. Corporations pay a total tax rate (% profit) of 45. 8 percent! If approved, the RH bill would have the following negative impacts on small business: . It would be more difficult to start a new business considering the fact the the bill criminalizes the mere act of doing business and its regulative, interventionist provisions. 2. Employers would be forced to make additional expenses so to cover the RH care needs of their employees. 3. Since they are forced to make additional expenses, they might consider laying off some of their workers for survival. 4. Since they are forced to shell out additional expenses, they might not accept new applicants, a situation that would worsen the country’s unemployment rate. . Since they are forced to shell out additional expenses, they might consider some of the following survival measure: 1) salary cut, 2) less bonus or benef its, 3) cost cutting, 4) no expansion, 5) close business. 6. Since they are forced to shell out additional expenses, they might consider PRICE INCREASE. 7. There would be more informal sectors (unlisted, unregistered businesses) so to avoid paying more taxes and complying with government regulations. 8. Potential and existing employers would be considered a NEW CLASS OF CRIMINALS or ENEMY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE. . Those who have the money and resources would rather invest in a business-friendly economic environment like Hong Kong, India and other Asian countries. 10. Employers would simply shrug. You can help the poor without enslaving and treating businessmen, doctors and some other people as potential criminals or enemies of social progress. Think like a human being, not like a parasite! You don’t help the poor and the marginalized by supporting the RH bill; it’s both the big and small businesses that can truly help them!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Growing up in China Historical Analysis

Growing up in China Historical Analysis The purpose of this paper will be to analyze the world historical process of growing up in China by examining Yan Phou Lee’s biographic adaptation of â€Å"When I was a boy in China†.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Growing up in China Historical Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The author talks about their life from birth to growing up as a boy in China. The thesis statement for the essay will therefore be to examine the process and pattern of growing up as a male child in China from birth, to infancy and then to adulthood (marriage). The essay will look at how male and female children in China are treated and raised by their parents, relatives and the society as well as important periods of celebration in their lives. The primary source which is Yan Phou Lee’s biography offers an insightful look into the life of male children in China and it also presents various aspects of Chines e culture such as the Chinese calendar and Chinese months which is corroborated by other secondary sources used in the study. Lee’s biography supports the arguments made by the secondary sources with regards to how the Chinese count their months as well as the religious systems that exist in China which include Buddhism, Taoism and Confuciusm. Lee’s work however presents some controversial issues which might be viewed by many gender activists to be biased against women. He portrays the Chinese culture as one that is punitive to women by not offering them the same gratuities that are given to the male children. The evaluation of the historical process therefore offers the readers a look into the life of a male child growing up in China as well as the differences that exist in the society. In the first chapter of Lee’s biography, he talks about his birth and the cultural practices of the Chinese people when a child is born. Lee indicates that the Chinese calendar is different from that of the English calendar, an indication of the difference that exists between the Chinese and English cultures. According to Lee (7), the Chinese year is different from the English year because the months of the year are determined by the revolution of the moon around the earth. This is corroborated by Parise (215) who notes that time in China during the period of 1800 was usually determined by the number of accessions that the country had in terms of Emperors. Time was also determined by the number of cycles which were usually sixty years each and the cycle in which Lee was born was 1861 during the reign of Emperor Tung-che. Parise (215) also highlights the difference that exists between a Chinese calendar and English calendar where the months are referred as Regular Moon, Second Moon, Third Moon, Fourth Moon and so on instead of January, February, March and April. Every third year was termed as a leap year and it had an extra month so that it could make the l unar year to be equal to a solar year.Advertising Looking for term paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Chinese culture places a lot of importance on the birth of male children as demonstrated by how the various members of Lee’s family celebrated when he was born. He alludes to the fact that the Chinese culture views men to be more important than women because Chinese men are more desirable since they are able to maintain the family’s honor once they decide to get married. This is not possible for a girl as they lose the family’s honor when they are married off to another family. Male children according to Lee were therefore seen to be more important especially amongst the elderly relatives of the family. When it came to the naming of children, parents picked names from the Chinese dictionary which encompassed the meaning of luck or fortune. Choosing names was an important activity for many Chinese parents as they believed that names had the power of warding off evil spirits (Lee 8). Fortune tellers were usually called upon by the parents of the child to predict their future as soon as they were born. Rich parents who had male newborns invested large sums of money to consult deities who had the power to ward off any malignant influences from the child’s future. The money was mostly used to buy gifts for the God of Longevity in return for the child’s protection and also provide guidance in periods or situations of difficulty or chaos. The rich parents also consulted blind fortune tellers who were paid to intercede for the child with a particular Chinese god or idol. Because of the large amounts of money rich parents were willing to spend for the future of their children, fortune-tellers, astrologers, priests and the lessees of temples made a lot of money when they participated in these mysterious activities. Poor families were also not left behin d as parents from poor backgrounds sacrificed their wealth so that the male child could have a positive future (Lee 10). Lee (10) described his day of christening to also be a day of celebration as many relatives and friends attended the ceremony with gifts and valuable trinkets that would be useful in his future life. This was a different case for the girls as their day of christening was usually marked by fewer gifts and less excitement than is usually exhibited in the case of boys. The presence of roast pig which is the national festive dish in China indicated that male children were more valued than the female children. According to Lee (11) no occasion was complete without the presence of roast pig which meant that all weddings, religious festivals, birthdays and ancestral celebrations incorporated roast pigs in the menu. After infancy, the male children were groomed to be obedient followers of their parents, grandparents and ancestors as it was required by Chinese culture. Chi ldren were not supposed to talk back to their parents even when defending themselves from being wrongfully accused. They were required to take the punishment without any objection as a sign of respect and compliance to Chinese cultures.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Growing up in China Historical Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Lee (17) everyone in China is subject to somebody else which means that all children were subject to their parents and their parents were in turn subject to their own grandparents which demonstrated that subjectivity in Chinese culture was a continuous cycle. The magistrate during that time was seen to be the father of everyone he ruled over while the Emperor was subject to his citizens who in return had to show their subjectivity to their Emperor (Lee 18). Young Chinese boys usually engaged in various games and past times such as kite-flying where they designed kites that were six to seven feet long from wing to wing. The kites were of various colors and designs and the children flew them so as to catch and retain the wind. There was even a date set aside for kite flying which was the ninth day of the ninth month which usually fell in October according to the Chinese calendar. This day referred to as Kite Day saw the male children going up the hills in China to have a communion with the heavenly zephyrs after which they get to fly their kites made of rice-paper. The fun part during the whole event was when the male children made the kites fight in the sky which resulted in the display of dragon designed kites of different colors engaging in combat (Lee 38). Apart from kite flying, other past time games that the children engaged in included kicking the shuttlecock which was a favorite past time game for many teenage boys and gentlemen. The shuttlecock was made up of a bunch of feathers stuck together by small round pieces of leather and the n tied together with a piece of string. Players would serve the shuttlecock to each other while at the same time making sure not to drop it hence the name kicking the shuttlecock. Other games and past times Chinese boys engaged in included penny-tossing and cricket fighting which were mostly done by the older boys and men (Lee 38). Once the male child reached a school going age, they were either taken to schools that were run by private gentlemen since the government of China provided education to advanced students only. But because the qualification for gaining office employment was education, the government encouraged many parents to take their children to school. This ordinance saw many schools being established in various corners of China where classes were held in people’s private homes or in the halls of Chinese temples. These temples were usually chosen because of the tablets that were used for deceased ancestors which could serve the purpose of writing desks and table s. Only boys attended these schools because the girls went to schools that were operated by their families.Advertising Looking for term paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More But the type of education was similar for both girls and boys except that girls were usually schooled until they were twelve years old while the boys went to school until they were sixteen or seventeen years old. After this age they viewed by their parents, grandparents and village elders to be ready for marriage (Lee 55). When it came to marriage, the male children on acquiring a wife were meant to continue living with their parents. This was not so for the girls as societal cultures and beliefs expected them to live with their husband’s parents. Such an arrangement however usually had its downside because most of the domestic squabbles and infidelity that occurred within the home were usually caused by this. This custom is however still being practiced as every generation is educated by their ancestors on the domestic arrangements for the male children once they get married. The success of such arrangements has all been placed on the son and husband of the family where they are required to be strict disciplinarians when it comes to managing the affairs of the home. Chinese culture also depended on the male figure during such arrangements as men were able to prevent domestic brawls which commonly occurred between the mother-in-law and the new bride (Lee 32). The predominant religion in China is different from the rest of the world which can mostly be attributed to their different calendar. The Chinese calendar is not divided into weeks or months but it is divided into moons which as mentioned earlier are calculated according to cycles. The Chinese do not believe in Christianity and they therefore do not celebrate Christian holidays such as Easter or Christmas. Their religion was divided into three systems the first of Confucianism which was the religion taught by the great philosopher Confucius. This religion prescribed to the notion that mankind had to perform certain duties such as being obedient to parents, honoring and serving members of the societ y and living harmoniously with one’s relatives or spouse. Confucianism never taught its subjects about the existence of God because Confucius himself did not believe in the existence of a higher authority. He instead taught his followers to pursue goodness and everything that was good in the world by viewing. The gods worshipped under Confucianism included the five great mountains, heaven and earth and the spirits that existed in the wind (Lee 64). The second religious system in China was referred to as Taoism which focused on philosophical teachings and Buddhist doctrines. This religion however degenerated into a sect where the sect leaders prayed on people’s superstitious fears so that they could earn some money. Taoist priests who were the leaders of Taoism were usually called upon by families to intercede for individuals that were possessed by an evil spirit. The role of the Taoist priest in such a situation was to offer up vows to the gods so that the person could be able to recover. Because of the poor religious standing, Taoist followers worshipped everything imaginable because they believed that every object or living organism had a spiritual counterpart in the next world. The gods that were worshipped under the Taoist religion included gods of war, literature, medicine and worldly possessions (Lee 66). Buddhism, which is currently the most predominant religion in China, came about during the time of Christ when an embassy sent by the Emperor of the Han dynasty to investigate Jesus’ teachings came across Buddha in India while they were on their way to India. The ambassadors assumed that he was the great sage they were looking for and decided to stay on so that they could listen to his teachings. Once the great Buddha died, they decided to return to China with his books which contained all the religious teachings of the religion. Buddhism began to pick up as a religion in China where Buddhist priests and nuns lived separate from the rest of the society in monasteries and convents. On joining the monastery, the Buddhist priests were required to shave their heads completely and don a costume that would allow them to be easily identifiable (Ling and Liu 1). Under the Buddhist religion, Chinese people believed that wealth and happiness were easily acquired from the priests so they offered them money which would be used to buy oil and incense for Buddha. The god in return would meet the wishes and desires of the people who prescribed to the religion. These three religious systems formed the background of religion in the country where the Chinese society was willing to worship everything and anything rather than nothing. Apart from these religious systems, the Chinese society worshipped gods and goddesses where each idol had a special holiday in the Chinese calendar. For example the Goddess of Mercy had a dozen days in the Chinese calendar that were dedicated to her where the sacred days would see followers convergi ng to celebrate her (Ling and Liu 1). The religious systems of Taoism and Buddhism were however despised by the educated classes of Chinese society but they always consulted the Taoist and Buddhist priests in cases of sickness or death. This demonstrated that the religious instinct of most Chinese people was strong where they could worship anything in the event they were in need of a higher intervention. The presence of temples instead of churches in most Chinese neighborhoods signified the embodiment of the highest level of architectural skill in the country. The idols who resided in these temples represented the superiority of idolatry in the country when compared to idol worshipping in India and Egypt. These three systems of religion in China however failed when it came to the religious training of young children. Religious knowledge was usually passed on to young girls and boys through their parents where they were told to worship particular idols with objection or questioning ( Lee 71). Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Company, 2007 Ling, H., and Liu, J. Buddhism in China. China: China Intercontinental Press, 2005. Parise, Frank. The book of calendars. New York: Gorgias Press, 2002